
Mesmer's first practical career as a physician, together with strange experiences in Hungary

The Spiritual Magazine, N. 10, Vol. VI, F. Pitman, London 1 octubre 1865, pp. 437-450.

John Barnes Linnett

Producing Optical Illusions

London 14 marzo 1868.

J. Tom Burgess

A wonderful Christmas party

Routledge’s Magazine for Boys, N. 24, George Routledge and Sons, London diciembre 1870, pp. 10-15.

Joseph Jastrow

The psychology of spiritualism

The Popular Science Monthly, N. 46, Vol. XXXIV, London abril 1889, pp. 721-732.

Edward Bagnall Poulton e Abbott Handerson Thayer

Protective Coloration in its relation to Mimicry, Common Warning Colours, and Sexual Selection

Transactions of the Royal Entomological Society of London, N. 4, Vol. 51, London diciembre 1903, pp. 553-569.

Theodore Besterman

Review of Modern Psychic Mysteries book

Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, N. 461, Vol. 26, London enero 1930, pp. 10-14.

Karl Anton Nowotny

The construction of certain seals and characters in the work of Agrippa of Nettesheim

Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes, N. 1, Vol. 12, London 1949.

William Henry Salter

'An Adventure' A Note on the Evidence

Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, London enero 1950.

Trevor Henry Hall

A magical library - 1

The Private Library, N. 6, Vol. 4, The Private Libraries Association, London abril 1963, pp. 102-106.

Trevor Henry Hall

A magical library - 2

The Private Library, N. 7, Vol. 4, The Private Libraries Association, London julio 1963, pp. 134-137.

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