In the book Absolute Magic Derren Brown writes that one major role of contemporary art is

to make the audience leave the viewing and look differently at things. In other words, to challenge perception and preconception. This is something which Duchamps’ readymades, Cage’s 4’33“ and magic all have in common. It is here, and not in the concept of wonder, that we find the potential for magic to be relevant to art. (1) 

I loved the idea of interfering with the perception of a daily object, making it weird and mysterious; while I was in this mood, I created an interactive experience titled “Through the Looking Glass”.

The existence of the Other Side is a demanding theme. Narratives and Games may help us in reflecting about it. In the book Through The Looking Glass, Alice makes a visit to a dimension on the other side of a looking glass, where the White Queen confesses her that every day she trains herself to believe impossible things.

This game will help you in exploring the relationship between our side and the other side, through the looking glass.



1. Derren Brown, “Can Magic Be An Art?” in Absolute Magic, H&R 2001, p.241.

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