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| | 4396-4405 de los 4469 documentos
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| Verrall WASS Twelve tested tricks 1936. |
| Mitsuko WATE-MIZUNO Mathematical recreations of Dénes König and his work on graph theory Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, noviembre 2014, pp. 377-399. |
| Monk WATSON The professional touch 1945. |
| WEHMAN BROS. Fun, magic and mystery Wehman Bros., New York 1907. |
| WEHMAN BROS. New book of 153 tricks Wehman Bros., New York 1907. |
| WEIRDO Magical gags and giggles 1948. |
| S. James WELDON Twenty Years a Fakir Gate City Books and Novelty Company, Omaha 1899. |
| Bill WEST Capers with papers: a complete paper tearing act to rhyme |
| John WHITE A rich cabinet, with variety of inventions W. Whitwood, London 1689 (I ed. 1671). |
| Robert WHITE Atlas ouranios. The coelestial atlas. A new ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1763 Company of Stationers, London 1763. |
| | 4396-4405 de los 4469 documentos
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