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| | 4390-4399 de los 4469 documentos
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| Charles WALLER Happy music 1932. |
| Audley V. WALSH Sponge ball manipulation 1947. |
| Nathaniel WANLEY The wonders of the little world or a general history of man, displaying the various faculties, capacities, powers and defects of the human body and mind Vol. 1, 1806. |
| Aaron WARFORD How To Become a Magician Frank Tousey, New York 1882. |
| Peter WARLOCK The Best Tricks with Slates Max Holden, New York 1942. |
| Peter WARLOCK The best tricks with slates 1942. |
| Verrall WASS Twelve tested tricks 1936. |
| Mitsuko WATE-MIZUNO Mathematical recreations of Dénes König and his work on graph theory Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, noviembre 2014, pp. 377-399. |
| Monk WATSON The professional touch 1945. |
| WEHMAN BROS. Fun, magic and mystery Wehman Bros., New York 1907. |
| | 4390-4399 de los 4469 documentos
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