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| | 4356-4365 de los 4469 documentos
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| Henry VAN ETTEN, Jean LEURECHON e William OUGHTRED Mathematicall recreations or a collection of sundrie problemes extracted out of the ancient and moderne philosophers William Leake, London 1653 (I ed. 1633). |
| Johannides VAN MAESLANT Nieuwe vermakelykheden Amsterdam 1700. |
| Johannides VAN MAESLANT Nieuwe vermakelykheden Amsterdam 1735 (I ed. 1700). |
| John King VAN RENSSELAER The devil's picture-books: a history of playing cards Dodd, Mead and Company, New York 1895. |
| Eric VANDENDRIESSCHE W.W. Rouse Ball and the mathematics of string figures Historia Mathematica, N. 4, Vol. 41, noviembre 2014, pp. 438-462. |
| Simon VATRIQUANT La Vivisection du Rectangle Sphinx, Bruxelles abril 1931. |
| Alfred de VAULABELLE e Charles HÉMARDINQUER La Science au théâtre. Étude sur les procédés scientifiques en usage dans le théâtre moderne Henry Paulin et Cie, Paris 1908. |
| Lisimaco VERATI Sulla storia teoria e pratica del magnetismo animale e sopra vari altri temi relativi al medesimo Vol. 1, V. Bellagambi, Firenze 1845. |
| Lisimaco VERATI Sulla storia teoria e pratica del magnetismo animale e sopra vari altri temi relativi al medesimo Vol. 2, V. Bellagambi, Firenze 1845. |
| Lisimaco VERATI Sulla storia teoria e pratica del magnetismo animale e sopra vari altri temi relativi al medesimo Vol. 3, V. Bellagambi, Firenze 1846. |
| | 4356-4365 de los 4469 documentos
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