Biblioteca Mágica Popular

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4336-4345 de los 4469 documentos

The Spectacle of Science: The Art of Illusion in Prints of the French Revolution

Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, N. 1, Vol. 3, Warwick 2011, pp. 42-51.

The Psicology Of Conjuring Deception

The American Journal of Psychology, N. 4, Vol. 11, Titchener, Boring, and Dallenbach, julio 1900, pp. 439-510.
William Rutherford Hayes TROWBRIDGE

Cagliostro. The splendour and misery of a master of magic

Chapman & Hall, London 1910.
Marcello TRUZZI

“Sherlock Holmes: Applied Social Psychologist”

Marcello Truzzi, The Humanities as Sociology: An Introductory Reader, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company Columbus 1973, Cap. 7, pp. 93-126.
Marcello TRUZZI

Reflections on Project Alpha: Scientific Experiment or Conjuror's Illusion?

The Zetetic Scholar, 1987.

Cenni storico-critici sul magnetismo animale

Tipografia della speranza, Firenze 1841.

Scoperta e dimostrazione scientifica del vero moto perpetuo con l'esame critico della questione e le sue piu importanti morali deduzioni

Foa, Torino 1872.
Elizabeth TURNER

“I Am Alive in Here”: Liveness, Mediation and the Staged Real of David Blaine’s Body

Journal of Performance Magic, N. 1, Vol. 4, 2016.
Madame TUSSAUD e Francis HERVÈ

Memoirs and Reminiscences from France

Saunders and Otley, London 1838.

Biographical and descriptive sketches of the distinguished characters which compose the unrivalled exhibition of Madame Tussaud and Sons

Madame Tussaud and Sons, London 1851.
4336-4345 de los 4469 documentos