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| | 4330-4339 de los 4469 documentos
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| Leone TORRIANI Del magnetismo animale nei suoi rapporti colla fisica e fisiologia moderne Tipografia Bizzoni, Pavia 1846. |
| Paolo TOSELLI, STRANGE MAGAZINE, SOCIETÀ FORTIANA ITALIANA e Umberto CORDIER Clypeus #102 N. 102, Torino noviembre 1996. |
| Arsène TOUROUDE L'hypnotisme, ses phénomènes & ses dangers Bloud et Barral, Paris 1889. |
| Chauncy Hare TOWNSHEND Facts in mesmerism: with reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it Harper & Brothers, New York 1841. |
| Gustave W. TREICHEL “Patent 692559. Puzzle” Official Gazette of the United States Patent Office, Vol. 98 4 febrero 1902, p. 921. |
| Giulio TRENTO Osservazioni filosofiche sopra i giochi d'astuzia nella stamperia dell'autore, Treviso 1788. |
| Claire TRÉVIEN The Spectacle of Science: The Art of Illusion in Prints of the French Revolution Rupkatha Journal on Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities, N. 1, Vol. 3, Warwick 2011, pp. 42-51. |
| Norman TRIPLETT The Psicology Of Conjuring Deception The American Journal of Psychology, N. 4, Vol. 11, Titchener, Boring, and Dallenbach, julio 1900, pp. 439-510. |
| William Rutherford Hayes TROWBRIDGE Cagliostro. The splendour and misery of a master of magic Chapman & Hall, London 1910. |
| Marcello TRUZZI “Sherlock Holmes: Applied Social Psychologist” Marcello Truzzi, The Humanities as Sociology: An Introductory Reader, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company Columbus 1973, Cap. 7, pp. 93-126. |
| | 4330-4339 de los 4469 documentos
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