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| | 4226-4235 de los 4469 documentos
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| Philip TICKNESSE The Speaking Figure and the Automaton Chess-player, Exposed and Detected John Stockdale, London 1784. |
| Telemaque Thomas TIMAYENIS A History of The Art of Magic Press of J.J. Little & Co., New York 1887. |
| John TIMBS Curiosities of London: exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest in the metropolis David Bogue, London 1855. |
| John TIMBS Curiosities of London: exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest in the metropolis John Camden Hotten, London 1867 (I ed. 1855). |
| Gaston TISSANDIER Jeux et jouets du jeune âge. Choix de récréations amusantes et instructives G. Masson, Paris 1884. |
| Gaston TISSANDIER Popular scientific recreations in natural philosophy, astronomy, geology, chemistry Ward, Lock and Co., New York 1885. |
| Gaston TISSANDIER e Henry FRITH Half Hours of Scientific Amusement; or practical physics and chemistry without apparatus Ward, Lock and Co., New York 1890. |
| Elie TISSEYRE L’escursione del 25 giugno 1905 a Rennes-le-Château Indagini su Rennes-le-Château, N. 6, noviembre 2006, pp. 306-309. |
| Vincenzo TIZZANI Sul magnetismo animale. Discorso istorico-critico Tipografia Salviucci, Roma. 1842. |
| George TOLLERTON Magic secrets exposed 1948. |
| | 4226-4235 de los 4469 documentos
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