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| | 4216-4225 de los 4469 documentos
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| Lynn THORNDIKE The place of magic in the intellectual history of Europe Columbia University, New York 1905. |
| Lynn THORNDIKE A history of magic and experimental science Vol. 1, Columbia University Press, New York 1923. |
| Lynn THORNDIKE A history of magic and experimental science Vol. 2, Columbia University Press, New York 1923. |
| Michel-Augustin THOURET Recherches et doutes sur le magnétisme animal Prault, Paris 1784. |
| Howard THURSTON Howard Thurston’s Card Tricks 1901. |
| Howard THURSTON Thurston’s Easy-Pocket-Tricks 1915. |
| Howard THURSTON Fooling millions 1928. |
| Howard THURSTON 400 Tricks You Can Do Blue Ribbon Books, New York 1940. |
| Howard THURSTON 300 tricks you can do Comet Books, New York 1948. |
| Geoff TIBBS Lennart Green and the Modern Drama of Sleight of Hand Journal of Performance Magic, N. 1, Vol. 1, 2013, pp. 19-46. |
| | 4216-4225 de los 4469 documentos
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