Elijah Farrington, Harry Price e Eric John Dingwall
Revelations of a spirit medium
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, London 1922 (I ed. 1891).
Eliphas Levi e Arthur Edward Waite
The history of magic : including a clear and precise exposition of its procedure, its rites and its mysteries
Rider & Son, London 1922.
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 21, London 1923.
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 33, London 1923.
Vol. 34, London 1924.
Jules Romains
Eyeless Sight: A Study of Extra-Retinal Visoin and the Paroptic Sense
G. P. Putnam's Sons, London 1924.
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