Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 20, London 1921.
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 32, London 1921.
Arthur Ivey
The Magical mail, a monthly house organ
Arthur Ivey & co., London 1921.
Harry Latour
Magical Suggestions
George Johnson, London 1921.
Elijah Farrington, Harry Price e Eric John Dingwall
Revelations of a spirit medium
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, London 1922 (I ed. 1891).
Eliphas Levi e Arthur Edward Waite
The history of magic : including a clear and precise exposition of its procedure, its rites and its mysteries
Rider & Son, London 1922.
Vol. 21, London 1923.
Vol. 33, London 1923.
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