Carl James
Practical Conjuring
E.J. Furniss, Derby 1911.
Nevil Maskelyne e David Devant
Our Magic
E.P. Dutton & Co., New York 1911.
Burling Hull
Sealed mysteries: explaining the latest card mysteries and spirit tricks made public for the first time: with directions for constructing trick cards
Master Technic Publishing Co., New York 1911.
Charles Bertram
A Magician in Many Lands
George Routeledge and sons, London 1911.
Abbott Handerson Thayer
Concealing Coloration
The Auk, Vol. 28, American Ornithologists' Union, gennaio 1911, pp. 146-148.
Thomas Barbour e John C. Phillips
Concealing Coloration Again
The Auk, Vol. 28, American Ornithologists' Union, aprile 1911, pp. 179-188.
Concealing-Coloration: A Demand for Investigation of My Tests of the Effacive Power of Patterns
The Auk, Vol. 28, American Ornithologists' Union, ottobre 1911, pp. 460-464.
Concealing coloration
Popular Science Monthly, Vol. 79, The Science Press, New York giugno 1911, pp. 20-35.
Joel Asaph Allen
Revealing and Concealing Coloration in Birds and Mammals
The Auk, Vol. 28, American Ornithologists' Union, ottobre 1911, pp. 472-480.
Theodore Roosevelt
Revealing and concealing coloration in birds and mammals
Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 30, American Museum of Natural History, New York 1911, pp. 119-231.
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