Lauron William De Laurence
Hypnotism, and magnetism, mesmerism, suggestive therapeutics and magnetic healing
Laurence, Scott and co., Chicago 1910.
Alfred Edouard D’Hont, Donato, Gérard Encausse e Papus
Almanach de la chance et de La Vie mystérieuse pour l'année 1910
Librairie hermétique, Paris 1910.
Joseph Grasset
The marvels beyond science
Funk & Wagnalls, London 1910.
Francis F. Hill
A half hour of magic: outlining an up-to-date act of legerdemain with a suggestion of patter, instruction and some valuable hints
Angelo Mosso
Mesmer e il magnetismo
Fratelli Treves, Milano 1910.
Arthur Otto
The beginner's guide to conjuring
C. Dresdin and Co., London 1910.
Theodore Roosevelt
Protective coloration
African Game Trails, Syndacate Publishing Company, New York 1910, pp. 552-568.
Ellis Stanyon
Magic. In which are given clear and concise explanations of all the well-known illusions as well as many new ones
The Penn Publishing Company, Philadelphia 1910.
William Rutherford Hayes Trowbridge
Cagliostro. The splendour and misery of a master of magic
Chapman & Hall, London 1910.
S. Willson Bailey e Harold A. Osborne
Wrinkles: a few suggestions and innovations
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