Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 8, London 1897.
Frederick Harold Bailey
Inductive elementary physical science with inexpensive apparatus, and without laboratory equipment
D. C. Heath & Co., Boston 1897.
Henry Ridgely Evans
Hours With the Ghosts or Nineteenth century witchcraft. Illustrated investigations into the phenomena of spiritualism and theosophy
Laird & Lee Publishers, Chicago 1897.
Albert Allis Hopkins e Henry Ridgely Evans
Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions including Trick Photography
Sampson Low, Marston & Co., London 1897.
Lulu Hurst
Lulu Hurst (the Georgia wonder) writes her autobiography and for the first time explains and demonstrates the great secret of her marvelous power
Lulu Hurst Book Co., Rome 1897.
August Roterberg
New Era Card Tricks
Messrs W. & F. Hamley, London 1897.
John O'Neill
Improved Means or Method of Producing Living Pictures by the Manipulation of the Leaves of a Book
Burnley 24 luglio 1897.
D'Aveno's Parlour conjurer
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 14, London 1898.
William Abner Barnes
Psychology, hypnotism, personal magnetism, and clairvoyance
Boston 1898.
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