Joseph Ennemoser
History of Magic
Vol. 1, Henry G. Bohn, London 1854.
Vol. 2, Henry G. Bohn, London 1854.
The Zoist. A Journal of Cerebral Physiology & Mesmerism and their applications to human welfare
Vol. 12, Hippolyte Baillière Publisher, London 1854.
Asa Mahan
Modern mysteries explained and exposed
John P. Jewett & company, Cleveland 1855.
Magic, pretended miracles, and remarkable natural phenomena
American Sunday-School Union, Philadelphia 1855.
Vol. 13, Hall, London 1855.
John Timbs
Curiosities of London: exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest in the metropolis
David Bogue, London 1855.
John Wyman
Hand-book of Magic
T.W. Strong, New York 1855.
Richard James Morrison e Tao-Sze Zadkiel
The royal book of fate: Queen Elizabeth's oracle of future events
Sherwood and co., London 1856.
Charles Mackay
Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds
Vol. 2, G. Routeledge and sons, London 1856 (I ed. 1841).
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