Francis Moore
Vox Stellarum or A Loyal Almanack for the year of human redemption 1845
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Jean Joseph Adolphe Ricard
Le Magnétisme traduit en Cour d'Assises. Aquittement
Imprimerie de Guiraudet et Jouaust, Paris 1845.
Henry Hall Sherwood
The New York dissector. Quarterly journal of medicine, surgery, magnetism, mesmerism and the collateral sciences with the mysteries and fallacies of the faculty
Vol. 2, New York 1845.
Lisimaco Verati
Sulla storia teoria e pratica del magnetismo animale e sopra vari altri temi relativi al medesimo
Vol. 1, V. Bellagambi, Firenze 1845.
Vol. 2, V. Bellagambi, Firenze 1845.
Jean Romuald Marinus
Nouvelle jonglerie magnétique ou l'oneiromancie devoilée
Journal de médecine, de chirurgie, et de pharmacologie, Bruxelles gennaio 1845, pp. 68-72.
On the Occult Sciences
Littel's Living Age, N. 58, T.H. Carter and Co., Boston 21 giugno 1845, pp. 567-582.
La Doyenne des Somnambules, ou notice biographique de Marianne Pambour
Imprimerie de Gustave Gratiot, Paris 1846.
The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany
Vol. 19, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh 1846.
The Zoist. A Journal of Cerebral Physiology & Mesmerism and their applications to human welfare
Vol. 4, Hippolyte Baillière Publisher, London 1846.
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