Charles Mackay
Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds
Vol. 2, Richard Bentley, London 1841.
Vol. 3, Richard Bentley, London 1841.
Chauncy Hare Townshend
Facts in mesmerism: with reasons for a dispassionate inquiry into it
Harper & Brothers, New York 1841.
A Hint to Magnetizers
Provincial Medical & Surgical Journal, N. 47, Vol. II, London 21 agosto 1841, p. 426.
The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany
Vol. 15, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh 1842.
David Brewster
Letters on Natural Magic
Harper & brothers, New York 1842 (I ed. 1832).
Francis Moore
Vox Stellarum or A Loyal Almanack for the year of human redemption 1842
Company of Stationers, London 1842.
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, N. 19, Vol. XXVI, Boston 15 giugno 1842, p. 306.
The Zoist. A Journal of Cerebral Physiology & Mesmerism and their applications to human welfare
Vol. 1, Hippolyte Baillière Publisher, London 1843.
Magic and Mesmerism: an episode of the eighteenth cantury
Vol. 1, Saunders and Otley, London 1843.
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