Eusebe Baconnière de Salverte
Des sciences occultes, ou Essai sur la magie, les prodiges et les miracles
Vol. 1, Sébillot, Paris 1829.
Vol. 2, Sébillot, Paris 1829.
Isaac Taylor
Mirabilia, or the Wonders of Nature and Art
T.J. Mason, London 1829.
Olivier al Teatro d'Angennes, Torino
Gazzetta Piemontese, N. 145, Torino 3 dicembre 1829, p. 880.
William Clarke
The Boy's Own Book
Henry Dean
The Whole Art of Legerdemain or Hocus Pocus Laid Open and Explained By Those Renowned Masters Sena Sama, Hamed Ben-Ali, and All the Celebrated and Mysterious Professors in the Art of Natural Magic
C.V. Nickerson, Baltimore 1830 (I ed. 1722).
Henri Decremps e Giuseppe Pinetti
Secreti della magia bianca, ossia spiegazione de' giuochi di mano sorprendenti del cavalier Pinetti
Stamperia del Majno, Piacenza 1830 (I ed. 1788).
M. J.-L. Demerson
Les mille récréations de société
Aug. Wahlen, Bruxelles 1830.
Francis Moore
Vox Stellarum or A Loyal Almanack for the year of human redemption 1830
Company of Stationers, London 1830.
Walter Scott
Letters on demonology and witchcraft
J.&J. Harper, New York 1830.
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