Robert White
Atlas ouranios. The coelestial atlas. A new ephemeris for the year of our Lord 1802
Company of Stationers, London 1802.
John Wilkins
The Mathematical and Philosophical Works of the Right Rev. John Wilkins
Vol. 2, C. Whittingham, London 1802 (I ed. 1641), pp. 1-87.
William Nicholson
Narrative and Explanation of the Appearance of Phantoms and other Figures in the Exhibition of the Phantasmagoria. With Remarks on the Philosophical Use of common Occurrences
Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, Vol. 1, W. Stratford, London febbraio 1802, pp. 147-151.
Incomprehensible experiment
The Morning Post, 14 giugno 1802, p. 1.
Experiment of the Invisible Girl
Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, Vol. 3, W. Stratford, London settembre 1802, pp. 56-57.
Jacques Ozanam, Jean Etienne Montucla e Charles Hutton
Recreations in mathematics and natural philosophy
Vol. 1, Kearsley, London 1803.
Vol. 2, Kearsley, London 1803.
Vol. 3, Kearsley, London 1803.
Vol. 4, Kearsley, London 1803.
John Partridge
Merlinus Liberatus being an Almanack for the year of our Blessed Saviour's incarnation 1803
R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, London 1803.
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