Charles Rouy
Le Magicien Republicain ou Almanach des oracles
Paris 1794.
Andreas Svendsen
Naturlig Magie eller Naturens og Kunstens lønlige og underfulde Virkninger, fremsat i adskillige elektriske, chymiske, magnetiske, mekaniske og optiske Kunster, til Nytte og Forlystelse. Samlede
Riebenhaun 1794.
Giuseppe Antonio Alberti
I giuochi numerici fatti arcani palesati
Giuseppe Orlandelli, Venezia 1795 (I ed. 1747).
John Cotes e George Taylor
Diaria Britannica. The British diary. An Almanack for the year of Our Lord 1795
Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham 1795.
Henry Dean
The whole art of legerdemain or Hocus Pocus in perfection
Sabine and son, London 1795 (I ed. 1722).
Erra Pater
The book of knowledge treating of the wisdom of the ancients
Peter Edes, Haverhill 1795.
Charles-Louis Cadet de Gassicourt
Le tombeau de Jacques Molai, ou, Le secret des conspirateurs, à ceux qui veulent tout savoir
Marchands de Nouveautés, Paris 1796.
Diaria Britannica. The British diary. An Almanack for the year of Our Lord 1796
Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham 1796.
John Gale
Gale's Cabinet of Knowledge or Miscellaneous Recreations
Johann Georg Krunitz
Oeconomische Encyklopädie
Vol. 65, Berlin 1796.
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