Raimondo Di Sangro
Lettera apologetica dell'Esercitato accademico della Crusca
Napoli 1750.
Francis Moore
Vox Stellarum or A Loyal Almanack for the year of human redemption 1750
Company of Stationers, London 1750.
Jacques Ozanam
Récréations mathématiques et physiques
Vol. 1, Jacques Rollin, Paris 1750 (I ed. 1694).
Vol. 1, Charles-Antoine Jombert, Paris 1750 (I ed. 1694).
Vol. 2, Charles-Antoine Jombert, Paris 1750 (I ed. 1694).
Vol. 3, Charles-Antoine Jombert, Paris 1750 (I ed. 1694).
Vol. 4, Charles-Antoine Jombert, Paris 1750 (I ed. 1694).
Vol. 4, Jacques Rollin, Paris 1750 (I ed. 1694).
Tycho Wing
Olympia domata. An almanack for the year of Our Lord God, 1751
Thomas Parker for the Company of Stationers, London 1751.
Lucius Parvus Albertus
Secrets merveilleux de la magie naturelle et cabalistique du Petit Albert
Heritiers de Beringos, Lyon 1752 (I ed. 1668).
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