Gaston Tissandier
Popular scientific recreations in natural philosophy, astronomy, geology, chemistry
Ward, Lock and Co., New York 1885.
Facts relating to M.lle Aimee, the only tattooed lady. Being a full and complete account of the life and adventures of this young lady, the only tattoed female in the world
New York Popular Pub. Co, New York 1886.
Secrets of The Black Art
The Post Print, Montréal 1886.
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 4, 1886.
Edmund Gurney, Frederic William Henry Myers, e Frank Podmore
Phantasms of the Living
Vol. 1, Trubner and Co., London 1886.
Vol. 2, Trubner and Co., London 1886.
Abraham Reeser Horne
Easy Experiments for Schools and Families, with Home-made Apparatus
A. Flanagan, Chicago 1886.
Kaspar Kroak
Kaspar Kroak's kaleidoscope
Nims & Knight, New York 1886.
Reginald Scot
The Discoverie of Witchcraft
Elliot Stock, London 1886 (I ed. 1584).
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