Angelo Lewis Professor Hoffmann
Modern Magic
George Routledge and sons, London 1894 (I ed. 1876).
John Nevil Maskeline
Sharps and flats: a complete revelation of the secrets of cheating at games of chance and skill
Longmans, Green and co., London 1894.
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 11, London 1895.
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 7, London 1895.
Vol. 12, London 1896.
Charles Bertram
Isn't it wonderful? A history of magic and mystery
Swan Sonnenschein & Co. ltd, London 1896.
Charles Vernon Boys
Soap-bubbles, their colours and the forces which mould them
Society for promoting Christian Science, London 1896.
Vol. 13, London 1897.
Vol. 8, London 1897.
Albert Allis Hopkins e Henry Ridgely Evans
Magic, Stage Illusions and Scientific Diversions including Trick Photography
Sampson Low, Marston & Co., London 1897.
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