Richard James Morrison e Tao-Sze Zadkiel
The royal book of fate: Queen Elizabeth's oracle of future events
Sherwood and co., London 1856.
Felix Fontaine
The golden wheel dream-book and fortune-teller
Dick & Fitzgerald, New York 1862.
Napoleon's Oraculum and Dream Book. Containing the great oracle of human destiny
Frank Tousey, New York 1884 (I ed. 1822).
The book of fate whereby all questions may be answered respecting the present and future
Foulsham, London 1887.
Mother Shipton's Gipsy Fortune Teller and Dream Book With Napoleon's Oraculum
I. & M. Ottenheimer, Baltimore 1890.
Frank Tousey
How to tell fortunes. Containing Napoleon's Oraculum, and the key to work it. Also tells fortunes by cards, lucky and unlucky days, signs and omens
Frank Tousey Publisher, New York 1902.
Lynn Thorndike
A history of magic and experimental science
Vol. 2, Columbia University Press, New York 1923.
Allegra Iafrate
Of Stars and Men: Matthew Paris and the Illustrations of MS Ashmole 304
Journal of the Courtauld and Warburg Institutes, N. 76, The Warburg Institute, London 2013, pp. 139-177.
Pythagoras' Index denoting authorship in Sortes Books
Micrologus' Library, N. 65, SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, Firenze 2014.
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