Jérôme de La Lande

Histoire des mathématiques

Vol. 3, Henri Agasse, Paris 1802.

Paul de Philipsthal

M. Paul de Philipsthal's Patent for the Invention of phantasmagoria

Cobbett's Political Register, Vol. 2, Cox and Baylis, London 1802, p. 1053.

René Périn e Anne Adrien Firmin Pillon

La grande ville; ou, Les parisiens vengés

Marchand, Paris 1802.

William Nicholson

Narrative and Explanation of the Appearance of Phantoms and other Figures in the Exhibition of the Phantasmagoria. With Remarks on the Philosophical Use of common Occurrences

Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, Vol. 1, W. Stratford, London febbraio 1802, pp. 147-151.

La Fantasmagoria al Teatro di S. Radegonda a Milano

Il Corriere Milanese, N. 41, Milano 21 maggio 1804, p. 328.


Origin, history, and explanation of all the late optical and acoustic discoveries called the Phantasmagoria

Schirmer&Scholl, Sketch of the performances at the Large Theatre, Lyceum, London 1805, pp. 14-23.

Charles Picquet

La Femme invisible de M. Bienvenu

Charles Picquet, Table alphabétique, en forme d'itinéraire, des rues, ruelles, culs-de-sac, passages, places, etc. etc. qui se trouvent dans le plan routier de la ville de Paris et de ses faubourgs, Paris 1805, p. 115.

Avviso sulla fantasmagoria del sig. Bienvenu a Milano

Giornale italiano, N. 245, Milano 2 settembre 1806.

Aux redacteurs du Journal

Journal de Paris, 24 marzo 1806.

Spettacolo uranografico al Teatro Carcano di Milano

Giornale italiano, N. 278, Milano 4 ottobre 1808.

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