Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 12, London 1896.
Cesare Baudi di Vesme
Storia dello spiritismo
Vol. 1, Roux Frassati e C., Torino 1896.
Charles Bertram
Isn't it wonderful? A history of magic and mystery
Swan Sonnenschein & Co. ltd, London 1896.
Charles Vernon Boys
Soap-bubbles, their colours and the forces which mould them
Society for promoting Christian Science, London 1916 (I ed. 1896).
Society for promoting Christian Science, London 1896.
Marius Cazeneuve
A la cour de Madagascar
Ch. Delagrave, Paris 1896.
Giovanni Battista Ermacora e Giorgio Finzi
Rivista di studi psichici
Vol. 2, Tipografia all'Università dei Fratelli Gallina, Padova 1896.
Edouard Lucas
Récréations mathématiques
Vol. 2, Gauthier-Villars et fils, Paris 1896 (I ed. 1883).
George P. Moon
How to give a conjuring entertainment
August Roterberg
Latter Day Tricks
Self published, 1896.
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