Antonio Blitz
Fifty years in the magic circle being an account of the author's professional life
Belknap & Bliss, Hartford 1871.
Thomas Hailes Lacy e William J. Sorrell
The amateur's hand-book and guide to home or drawing room theatricals; how to get them up and how to act in them
Thomas Hailes Lacy, London 1871.
George Gustav Zerffi
Spiritualism and animal magnetism : a treatise on dreams, second sight, somnambulism, magnetic sleep, spiritual manifestations, hallucinations, and spectral visions
Robert Hardwicke, London 1871.
Popular Recreator
Cassell, Petter & Galpin, New York 1873.
Maximilian Schele de Vere
Modern Magic
G.B. Putnam & Sons, New York 1873.
George Sexton
Spirit-mediums and conjurers
Robert Heller, his doings
George De Lawrence
Miscellaneous tricks with handkerchiefs: including a fifteen minute act with silks
Gerald Heaney, Berlin, Wisconsin 1875.
W.H.J. Shaw
New ideas in magic: illusions, spiritualistic effects, etc.
Self published, St. Louis 1875.
Charles Sotheran
Alessandro Di Cagliostro. Impostor Or Martyr?
D.M. Bennett, New York 1875.
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