Magic, pretended miracles, and remarkable natural phenomena
American Sunday-School Union, Philadelphia 1855.
The Zoist. A Journal of Cerebral Physiology & Mesmerism and their applications to human welfare
Vol. 13, Hall, London 1855.
Asa Mahan
Modern mysteries explained and exposed
John P. Jewett & company, Cleveland 1855.
John Timbs
Curiosities of London: exhibiting the most rare and remarkable objects of interest in the metropolis
David Bogue, London 1855.
John Wyman
Hand-book of Magic
T.W. Strong, New York 1855.
Robert Hare
Experimental Investigation of the Spirit Manifestations
Partridge & Brittan, New York 1856.
Charles Mackay
Memoirs of extraordinary popular delusions and the madness of crowds
Vol. 2, G. Routeledge and sons, London 1856 (I ed. 1841).
Richard James Morrison e Tao-Sze Zadkiel
The royal book of fate: Queen Elizabeth's oracle of future events
Sherwood and co., London 1856.
George Arnold e Henry Llewellyn Williams
The Magician's Own Book or the whole art of conjuring
Dick & Fitzgerald, New York 1857.
Catherine Crowe
The Night Side of Nature. Ghosts and Ghost-seers
Routeledge, London 1857.
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