The World of Wonders; A Record of Things wonderful in Nature, Science and Art
Cassel, Petter & Galpin, London 1869.
Lionel Hugh Branson
Indian Conjuring
George Routeledge and sons, London 1869.
J. Tom Burgess
A wonderful Christmas party
Routledge’s Magazine for Boys, N. 24, George Routledge and Sons, London décembre 1870, pp. 10-15.
Popular Recreator
Cassell, Petter & Galpin, New York 1873.
George De Lawrence
Miscellaneous tricks with handkerchiefs: including a fifteen minute act with silks
Gerald Heaney, Berlin, Wisconsin 1875.
W.H.J. Shaw
New ideas in magic: illusions, spiritualistic effects, etc.
Self published, St. Louis 1875.
The practical magician and ventriloquist's guide. A practical manual of fireside magic and conjuring illusions
Hurst & Co., New York 1876.
William Henry Cremer
Magic no mystery
John Grant, Edinburgh 1876.
Chatto & Windus, Piccadilly, London 1876.
Angelo Lewis Professor Hoffmann
Modern Magic
George Routledge and sons, London 1877 (I ed. 1876).
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