John Henry Anderson
The fashionable science of parlour magic: being the newest tricks of deception, developed and illustrated, with an exposure of the practices made use of by professional card players, blacklegs, and gamblers; To which is added for the first time, The magic
George Arnold e Frank Cahill
The sociable, or, One thousand and one home amusements
Dick & Fitzgerald Publishers, New York 1858.
G.W. Septimus Piesse
Chymical, natural, and physical magic
Henry Dircks
On an apparatus for exhibiting optical illusions illustrating spectral phenomena
Mechanic's Magazine, 2 octubre 1858, pp. 321-324.
The Book of 500 Curious Puzzles, Containing a Large Collection of Entertaining Paradoxes, Perplexing Deceptions in Numbers, and Amusing Tricks in Geometry
Dick & Fitzgerald, New York 1859.
W.H. Cremer junior
The Secret Out
Chatto and Windus, London 1859.
Ebenezer Landells
The boy's own toy-maker. A practical illustrated guide
Shepard, Clark, and Brown, Boston 1859.
Jean-Eugéne Robert-Houdin
Robert Houdin: The Great Wizard, Celebrated French Conjurer, Author, and Ambassador
Charles Desilver and sons, Philadelphia 1859.
Life of Robert Houdin: The King of the Conjurers
Porter & Coates, Philadelphia 1859.
Memoirs of Robert-Houdin: Ambassador, Author, and Conjurer
Geo. G. Evans, Philadelphia 1859.
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