Dispositif pour le centrage des images dans les mutoscopes
L'Information photographique, Paris 1902, pp. 305-307.
[Annuncio del giocoliere mnemonista indovina pensieri Olivero al caffè Villani di Biella]
La tribuna biellese, Torino 9 october 1902.
The Black Art Fully exposed and laid bare
Tricks: for amateurs of both sexes
Marshall, Brookes and Chalkley, London 1904 (I ed. 1902).
Alexandre Dumas
Joseph Balsamo
P.F. Collier and Son, New York 1902.
Henry Ridgely Evans
Magic And Its Professors
George Routeledge & Sons ltd., London 1902.
Ferdinand Faideau
La science curieuse et amusante
J. Tallandier, Paris 1902.
James Lavren Ford
The story of Du Barry
Frederick A. Stokes, New York 1902.
Frank Tousey
How to tell fortunes. Containing Napoleon's Oraculum, and the key to work it. Also tells fortunes by cards, lucky and unlucky days, signs and omens
Frank Tousey Publisher, New York 1902.
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