John Henry Anderson
The fashionable science of parlour magic: being the newest tricks of deception, developed and illustrated, with an exposure of the practices made use of by professional card players, blacklegs, and gamblers; To which is added for the first time, The magic
George Arnold e Frank Cahill
The sociable, or, One thousand and one home amusements
Dick & Fitzgerald Publishers, New York 1858.
Jules Denis Dupotet de Sennevoy
Journal du magnétisme
Vol. 17, Paris 1858.
Carlo Alberto Gazelli di Rossana
La nostra gita a Caselette nell'autunno del 1857
Speirani e Tortone, Torino 1858.
G.W. Septimus Piesse
Chymical, natural, and physical magic
Napoleone Pietrucci
Biografia degli artisti padovani
Padova 1858, pp. 284-285.
Jean Nicolas Ponsin
La sorcellerie ancienne et moderne explquée ou cours complet de prestidigitation
Roret, Paris 1858 (I ed. 1853).
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