The Conjuror's Magazine or magical and physiognomical mirror
Vol. 2, N. 10, W. Locke, London, may 1793.
Vol. 2, N. 11, W. Locke, London, june 1793.
Vol. 2, N. 12, W. Locke, London, july 1793.
Vol. 2, N. 6, W. Locke, London, january 1793.
Vol. 2, N. 7, W. Locke, London, february 1793.
Vol. 2, N. 8, W. Locke, London, march 1793.
Vol. 2, N. 9, W. Locke, London, april 1793.
Carlo Benedetto Carandini
Manifestazione al pubblico dell'Apologia, ed altre giuridiche interessanti notizie
Roma 1793.
Pierre Frédéric Catel
Mathematisches und physikalisches Kunst-Cabinet
Vol. 2, Lagarde und Friedrich, Berlin 1793.
John Cotes e George Taylor
Diaria Britannica. The British diary. An Almanack for the year of Our Lord 1793
Pearson and Rollason, Birmingham 1793.
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