Facts relating to M.lle Aimee, the only tattooed lady. Being a full and complete account of the life and adventures of this young lady, the only tattoed female in the world
New York Popular Pub. Co, New York 1886.
Le Magicien, journal des sciences occultes, physiologiques, philosophiques et magnétiques
N. 62, Lyon, 10 january 1886.
N. 63, Lyon, 25 january 1886.
N. 64, Lyon, 10 february 1886.
N. 65, Lyon, 25 february 1886.
N. 66, Lyon, 10 march 1886.
N. 67, Lyon, 25 march 1886.
N. 68, Lyon, 10 april 1886.
N. 69, Lyon, 25 april 1886.
N. 70, Lyon, 10 may 1886.
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