La Doyenne des Somnambules, ou notice biographique de Marianne Pambour
Imprimerie de Gustave Gratiot, Paris 1846.
The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany
Vol. 19, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh 1846.
Jules Denis Dupotet de Sennevoy
Journal du magnétisme
Vol. 2, Paris 1846.
Vol. 3, Paris 1846.
F. Roux
Coup-d'oeil sur le magnétisme et le somnambulisme
Typographie et lithographie de Boehm, Montpellier 1846.
Henry Hall Sherwood
The New York dissector. Quarterly journal of medicine, surgery, magnetism, mesmerism and the collateral sciences with the mysteries and fallacies of the faculty
Vol. 3, New York 1846.
Leone Torriani
Del magnetismo animale nei suoi rapporti colla fisica e fisiologia moderne
Tipografia Bizzoni, Pavia 1846.
Lisimaco Verati
Sulla storia teoria e pratica del magnetismo animale e sopra vari altri temi relativi al medesimo
Vol. 3, V. Bellagambi, Firenze 1846.
Vol. 4, V. Bellagambi, Firenze 1846.
Mesmerism and Clairvoyance in New York
The Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, N. 26, Vol. XXXV, 27 january 1846.
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