Edward Bagshawe
Novel Mysteries
L. Davenport, London 1942.
Berland Samuel
Tricks with watches: new and original effects
Berland Magical Creations, Chicago 1942.
Martin Gardner
After the Dessert
Lewis Davenport & Co., London 1942 (I ed. 1941).
Magical revelations: a book of exceptional magic
Briton Publications Ltd., Sydney 1942.
Barrows Mussey
A.S. Barnes and Company, New York 1942.
Peter Warlock
The Best Tricks with Slates
Max Holden, New York 1942.
Jean Hugard
Thimble magic
Max Holden, New York 1943.
Edward Marlo
Shoot the Works: A complete manual on dice tricks, routines and methods for magicians
L. L. Ireland, Chicago 1943.
Harold R. Rice
Capers with color
Silk King Studios, Tuscaloosa 1943.
Thru the Dye Tube
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