John Elliotson
The Zoist. A Journal of Cerebral Physiology & Mesmerism
London, 1843-1856
The Zoist. A Journal of Cerebral Physiology & Mesmerism è un quadrimestrale sul magnetismo animale pubblicato per tredici anni dal 1843 al 1856 e curato da John Elliotson, professore di grande fama e autorevolezza alla London University, chirurgo presso lo University College Hospital e membro delle più importanti associazioni mediche d’Inghilterra.
Elliotson incontra il mesmerismo nel 1837 assistendo alla tournée inglese di Dupotet de Sennevoy. Si entusiasma per la materia e si lancia a condurre una quantità di esperimenti, in particolare utilizzando come soggetti fissi Jane e Elizabeth O’Key, che gli fanno da assistenti in veste di sonnambule mesmeriche, producendo dei veri e propri spettacoli tenuti all’università, ma aperti anche ad un pubblico di persone rispettabili, cui partecipa tutta l’alta società di Londra.
La sua fede nel mesmerismo lo fa entrare in rotta di collisione diretta con le autorità accademiche. Ne derivano tensioni che sfociano con la diffida per Elliotson a non esercitare più il magnetismo, in generale e particolarmente in università. Nel 1838 Elliotson presenta le sue dimissioni e inizia la pubblicazione di The Zoist, una delle più importanti nella storia della disciplina.
Sono disponibili tutti i 52 numeri pubblicati dal 1843 al 1856.
Volume I (April 1843 - January 1844)
The Zoist, No. I, April 1843
The Zoist, No. II, July 1843
The Zoist, No. III, October 1843
The Zoist, No. IV, January 1844
Volume II (April 1844 - January 1845)
The Zoist, No. V, April 1844
The Zoist, No. VI, July 1844
The Zoist, No. VII, October 1844
The Zoist, No. VIII, January 1845
Volume III (April 1845 - January 1846)
The Zoist, No. IX, April 1845
The Zoist, No. X, July 1845
The Zoist, No. XI, October 1845
The Zoist, No. XII, January 1846
Volume IV (April 1846 - January 1847)
The Zoist, No. XIII, April 1846
The Zoist, No. XIV, July 1846
The Zoist, No. XVI, January 1847
Volume V (April 1847 - January 1848)
The Zoist, No. XVII, April 1847
The Zoist, No. XVIII, July 1847
The Zoist, No. XIX, October 1847
The Zoist, No. XX, January 1848
Volume VI (April 1848 - January 1849)
The Zoist, No. XXI, April 1848
The Zoist, No. XXII, July 1848
The Zoist, No. XXIII, October 1848
The Zoist, No. XXIV, January 1849
Volume VII (April 1849 - January 1850)
The Zoist, No. XXV, April 1849
The Zoist, No. XXVI, July 1849
The Zoist, No. XXVII, October 1849
The Zoist, No. XXVIII, January 1850
Volume VIII (April 1850 - January 1851)
The Zoist, No. XXIX, April 1850
The Zoist, No. XXX, July 1850
The Zoist, No. XXXI, October 1850
The Zoist, No. XXXII, January 1851
Volume IX (April 1851 - January 1852)
The Zoist, No. XXXIII, April 1851
The Zoist, No. XXXIV, July 1851
The Zoist, No. XXXV, October 1851
The Zoist, No. XXXVI, January 1852
Volume X (April 1852 - January 1853)
The Zoist, No. XXXVII, April 1852
The Zoist, No. XXXVIII, July 1852
The Zoist, No. XXXIX, October 1852
The Zoist, No. XL, January 1853
Volume XI (April 1853 - January 1854)
The Zoist, No. XLI, April 1853
The Zoist, No. XLII, July 1853
The Zoist, No. XLIII, October 1853
The Zoist, No. XLIV, January 1854
Volume XII (April 1854 - January 1855)
The Zoist, No. XLV, April 1854
The Zoist, No. XLVI, July 1854
The Zoist, No. XLVII, October 1854
The Zoist, No. XLVIII, January 1855
Volume XIII (April 1855 - January 1856)
The Zoist, No. XLIX, April 1855
The Zoist, No. L, July 1855
The Zoist, No. LI, October 1855
The Zoist, No. LII, January 1856