Book of secrets. How to get rich. Magic mysteries and tricks. Vaudeville jokes. Ancient and modern maxims. Toasts. Irish yarns. Wit and humor

National Publishing house Co., Sydney 1908.

Journal of the American Society for Psychical Research

Vol. 2, 1908.

Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research

Vol. 2, 1908.

Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research

Vol. 22, London 1908.

William Walker Atkinson

Practical mind reading

Advanced Thought Publishing Co., Chicago 1908.

Gustave Bord

La franc-maçonnerie en France des origines à 1815

Libraire Nationale, Paris 1908.

Henry Ernest Dudeney

The Canterbury puzzles, and other curious problems

E. P. Dutton and co., New York 1908 (I ed. 1907).

Harry Houdini

The unmasking of Robert-Houdin

The Publishers Printing Co, New York 1908 (I ed. 1906).

Cesare Lombroso, Giuseppe Amadei, Giuseppe Antonini, Vitige Tirelli, Lorenzo Borri, Ernesto Bozzano, Sante De Sanctis, Lorenzo Ellero, Giulio Cesare Ferrari, Antonio Renda, Lino Ferriani, Enrico Ferri, Eugenio Florian, Bruno Franchi, Anton Gerard Van Hamel, Hans Kurella, Achille Loria, Carlo Edmondo Mariani, Edoardo Audenino, Antonio Marro, Enrico Morselli, Alfredo Niceforo, Max Nordau, Salvatore Ottolenghi, Luigi Roncoroni, Giuseppe Sergi, Alberto Severi, Scipio Sighele, Augusto Tamburini, Pauline Tarnowsky e Leonardo Bianchi

L'opera di Cesare Lombroso nella scienza e nelle sue applicazioni

Fratelli Bocca Editori, Torino 1908.

Charles Medrington

Magical Stage Craft or, How to Face an Audience

Birkdale 1908.

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