Lisimaco Verati
Sulla storia teoria e pratica del magnetismo animale e sopra vari altri temi relativi al medesimo
Vol. 3, V. Bellagambi, Firenze 1846.
Vol. 4, V. Bellagambi, Firenze 1846.
Leone Torriani
Del magnetismo animale nei suoi rapporti colla fisica e fisiologia moderne
Tipografia Bizzoni, Pavia 1846.
Francis Moore
Vox Stellarum or A Loyal Almanack for the year of human redemption 1846
Company of Stationers, London 1846.
The Zoist. A Journal of Cerebral Physiology & Mesmerism and their applications to human welfare
Vol. 4, Hippolyte Baillière Publisher, London 1846.
The Phrenological Journal and Miscellany
Vol. 19, Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh 1846.
Jules Denis Dupotet de Sennevoy
Journal du magnétisme
Vol. 2, Paris 1846.
Vol. 3, Paris 1846.
Eusebe Baconnière de Salverte
The Occult Sciences: The Philosophy of Magic, Prodigies and apparent Miracles
Vol. 1, Harper & Brothers, New York 1846 (I ed. 1829).
Mademoiselle Julie, or witchcraft for the aristocracy
The Athenaeum, N. 957, London 28 febbraio 1846, pp. 221-223.
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