William Granger

New, Original, and Complete Wonderful Museum and Magazine

Vol. 5, Alex Hogg, London 1807.

Francis Moore

Vox Stellarum or A Loyal Almanack for the year of human redemption 1807

Company of Stationers, London 1807.

John Partridge

Merlinus Liberatus being an Almanack for the year of our Blessed Saviour's incarnation 1807

R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, London 1807.

Amand Marc Jacques de Chastenet Puységur

Du Magnetisme animal

Imprimerie de Cellot, Paris 1807.

William Nicholson

The Invisible Lady; being an Explanation of the Manner in what the Experiment which was exhibited in London, by M. Charles and others, is performed. In a Letter from a Correspondent

Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, Vol. 16, W. Stratford, London gennaio 1807, pp. 69-71.

William Nicholson

Letter from a Correspondent, on the Exhibition of the Invisible Girl to Mr. Nicholson

Journal of Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, and the Arts, Vol. 16, W. Stratford, London febbraio 1807, pp. 119-120.

Carlo Amoretti

Della raddomanzia ossia elettrometria animale: ricerche fisiche e storiche

Giuseppe Marelli, Milano 1808.

Memorie per servire alla storia letteraria della bacchetta divinatoria

Giornale Bibliografico Universale, Francesco Sonzogno, Milano 1808.

Giorgio Follini

Osservazioni fisiche dell'abate Giorgio Follini sul preteso vero uomo incombustibile signor Giuseppe Lionnet di nazione comasco

Stamperia di Bernardino Barberis, Torino 1808.

John Gale

Gale's Cabinet of Knowledge or Miscellaneous Recreations


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