Friedrich Schiller
Der geisterseher. Aus den memoires den grafen von O***
Georg Joachim Goschen, Leipzig 1789.
The Armenian, or, The Ghost Seer
Vol. 1, C. Wittington, London 1800.
Vol. 2, C. Wittington, London 1800.
Vol. 3, C. Wittington, London 1800.
Vol. 4, C. Wittington, London 1800.
Vol. 1, Leipzig 1810.
Il visionario ossiano Memorie del Conte ***
G. Silvestri, Milano 1838 (I ed. 1789).
The Ghost-seer!
Vol. 1, R. Bentley, London 1849 (I ed. 1789).
Friedrich Schiller e Edward Southey Joynes
Vol. 1, Boston, D. C. Heath & co., New York 1897.
G. Müller, München 1922.
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