Max Holden
Manual of juggling
Trevor Henry Hall
A magical library - 1
The Private Library, N. 6, Vol. 4, The Private Libraries Association, London avril 1963, pp. 102-106.
A magical library - 2
The Private Library, N. 7, Vol. 4, The Private Libraries Association, London juillet 1963, pp. 134-137.
M. Alberini
Passa, moscata
Il Corriere dei Piccoli, N. 52, 29 décembre 1963, pp. 32-33.
David A. Noebel
Communism, hypnotism and the Beatles
Christian Crusade, Tulsa 1965.
Ali R. Amir-Moez
Limit of a Function and a Card Trick
Mathematics Magazine, N. 4, Vol. 38, septembre 1965, pp. 191-196.
Robert Lund
It's magic
Boy's Life, N. 4, Vol. 58, avril 1968, pp. 14-15.
Italo Ghersi
Il cantiniere infedele
Italo Ghersi, Matematica dilettevole e curiosa, Hoepli, Milano 1972.
Marcello Truzzi
Sherlock Holmes: Applied Social Psychologist
Marcello Truzzi, The Humanities as Sociology: An Introductory Reader, Charles E. Merrill Publishing Company, Columbus 1973, Cap. 7, pp. 93-126.
Renzo Rossotti
L’enigma della Sindone
Gli Arcani, N. 9, Armenia, Milano février 1973, pp. 31-33.
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