David Phelps Abbott
Behind the Scenes With the Medium
The Open Court Publishing, Chicago 1907.
Proceedings of the American Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 1, 1907.
Journal of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 13, London 1907.
Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
Vol. 21, London 1907.
Roberto Bracco
Lo spiritismo a Napoli nel 1886
Francesco Perrella Editore, Napoli 1907.
J.F. Burrows e Karlyn
Programmes of magicians
L. Davenport & Co., London 1907.
Jules Denis Du Potet de Sennevoy
La Magie dévoilée
Vigot Frères, Paris 1907.
Cesare Lombroso
Sui fenomeni spiritici e la loro interpretazione
Luigi Barzini, Nel mondo dei misteri con Eusapia Paladino, Baldini, Castoldi & Co, Milano 1907.
Walter William Rouse Ball
Récréations mathématiques et problèmes des temps anciens et modernes
Vol. 1, Libraire scientifique A. Hermann, Paris 1907.
Julius F. Sachse
Jacob Philadelphia, mystic and physicist
Publications of the American Jewish Historical Society, N. 16, American Jewish Historical Society, 1907, pp. 73-94.
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