The Adventurous life of a versatile artist: Houdini
Audubon Printers, New York 1922.
The black art! or magic made easy
Frederic A. Brady, New York 1922.
Carlos Maria De Heredia
Spiritism and common sense
P.J. Kenedy & Sons, New York 1922.
George De Lawrence
Impromptu Magic With Patter
T. S. Denison & company, Chicago 1922.
How to answer questions in crystal gazing: how to lead up to questions, a study and analysis of actual questions, actual questions for practice study
Chicago 1922.
Willis Dutcher
On the other side of the footlights
Heaney Magic Company, Berlin 1922.
Elijah Farrington, Harry Price e Eric John Dingwall
Revelations of a spirit medium
Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, London 1922 (I ed. 1891).
B.L. Gilbert Treblig
Patter Chatter
Vol. 2, Gilbert Novelty Magic Co., Chicago 1922.
J.G. Hamley
The art of chapeaugraphy; or, Twenty-five heads under one hat, as performed by the late Monsieur Trewey
Harry Houdini
Houdini's Paper Magic
H.P. Dutton & Company, New York 1922.
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