Tycho Wing
Olympia domata. An almanack for the year of Our Lord God, 1753
Thomas Parker for the Company of Stationers, London 1753.
John Partridge
Merlinus Liberatus being an Almanack for the Year of our Redemption 1754
R. Roberts for the Company of Stationers, London 1754.
John Kidgell
The Card
J. Newbery, London 1755.
Pablo Minguet e Yrol Gravador
Engaños a ojos vistas y diversion de trabajos mundanos
Oficina de Domingo Fernandez, Madrid 1755 (I ed. 1733).
Olympia domata. An almanack for the year of Our Lord God, 1755
Thomas Parker for the Company of Stationers, London 1755.
Antonio Conti
Trattato de' fantasmi poetici
Prose e poesie del signor abate Antonio Conti patrizio veneto, Vol. 2, Giambatista Pasquali, Venezia 1756, pp. 126-154.
Laurent Bordelon
Istoria delle immaginazioni stravaganti del signor Oufle
Vol. 1, Giambattista Novelli, Lucca 1757.
Vol. 2, Giambattista Novelli, Lucca 1757.
Olympia domata. An almanack for the year of Our Lord God, 1758
Thomas Parker for the Company of Stationers, London 1758.
Carlo Antonio
Tresor des jeux, ou Explication de la maniére de faire toutes sortes de tours de gibeciere, de gobelets, jeux de cartes & autres, recréatifs & amusans
Pierre Gosse, La Haye 1759.
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